Sunday 28 April 2024

Healing After Narcissistic Abuse: a Journey to Self-Discovery.



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Narcissistic abuse, a covert form of emotional and psychological manipulation, leaves deep scars on its victims.

The journey of healing from such trauma is intricate, requiring time, patience, and a deep commitment to self-care and self-discovery. This article aims to guide those affected by narcissistic abuse through the healing process, offering practical advice, emotional support, and resources to aid in recovery. Drawing from personal experience, I share insights and strategies that helped me reclaim my life and sense of self.

Understanding Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse stems from individuals with narcissistic personality disorder or traits who use emotional manipulation, gaslighting, and psychological control to dominate their victims. This abuse can erode self-esteem, instill confusion, and foster an unhealthy dependency on the abuser. Victims often suffer in silence, unsure of what they’re experiencing due to the subtle and insidious nature of the abuse.

I started my learning journey about narcissistic abuse by having conversations with counsellors and received support in learning what it looks and feels like. I joined a Narcissistic Abuse support group and watched a lot of YouTube.

Acknowledging the Abuse and its Impact

The first step toward healing is acknowledging the abuse and its reality. This can be incredibly challenging, as it involves facing painful truths and the extent of the emotional harm inflicted. Acknowledgment is a powerful act of self-validation that paves the way for recovery.

The Healing Process: Steps and Strategies

Self-Care Practices

Prioritizing self-care is crucial for rebuilding mental, emotional, and physical health. Integrating mindfulness, regular exercise, engaging in hobbies, and ensuring ample rest was pivotal. These activities helped me reconnect with my body and mind, fostering a nurturing environment for healing.

My self-care includes massage therapy, meditation, journaling, yoga, walking, positive self-talk, being with positive, supportive people, and continuing counselling.

Seeking Professional Help

Therapy was a cornerstone of my recovery. Whether through individual therapy, group sessions, or support groups, professional guidance provided me with the tools to understand and process the abuse. Therapists specialized in narcissistic abuse can offer invaluable support, helping victims navigate their complex emotions and begin to heal.

Counselling gave me ongoing support and inquiry into understanding the survival training I had growing up. Until I went for counselling, I was unaware there was such a thing as a narcissist or what it looked and felt like.

Rebuilding Self-Esteem

Narcissistic abuse often leaves individuals with diminished self-esteem. Employing positive affirmations, practicing self-compassion, and setting small, achievable goals were instrumental in rebuilding my self-worth. Celebrating each victory, no matter how small, reinforced my confidence and progress.

I was lucky because people from outside my family offered me opportunities to explore careers and creative projects, which I took upon. The confusing part was what others thought I was capable of was entirely different than what I was being told from some of those close to me. What saved me is that I am curious, “I wonder if I can.”

Establishing Boundaries

Learning to set and enforce healthy boundaries in all relationships was a game-changer. It not only protected me from future emotional harm but also fostered a newfound sense of self-respect and autonomy. Boundaries are essential for healthy interactions and self-preservation.

I used “no” and gently asked how they would solve their dilemma. I understand now that my being overly responsible and overly protective was enabling the narcissist not to grow up. I now see them in a different light and realize what my over-giving did.

Rebuilding Trust in Others

After experiencing betrayal, rebuilding trust in others was slow and deliberate. It involved taking small steps, listening to my intuition, and learning to distinguish healthy relationships from toxic ones. Trust must be earned, and it’s okay to proceed cautiously.

One of my favourite quotes from Dr. Phil is, “When someone shows you who they are, have the courage to believe them.”  I now proceed cautiously and become an observer, looking for red flags.

Rediscovering Your Identity

One of the most exhilarating aspects of my journey was rediscovering my identity. Exploring forgotten interests, passions, and activities brought joy and a sense of purpose back into my life. It was a process of uncovering who I was outside of the abusive relationship.

Connecting with Supportive Communities

Finding communities that understood and supported my healing journey was incredibly validating. Whether online or in person, connecting with others who had experienced similar abuse fostered a sense of belonging and mutual understanding. Shared experiences can be powerful in healing.

I joined a group called Melanie Tonia Evans, along with joining meditation groups, art groups, and writing groups. None of these the narcissists in my life were aware of.

Overcoming Setbacks and Challenges

The path to recovery is rarely linear. Setbacks are common, but they do not define the journey. Emphasizing resilience and adopting strategies to overcome challenges is critical. Each setback is an opportunity to grow and reaffirm one’s commitment to healing.

Moving Forward: Embracing Growth and New Beginnings

Healing from narcissistic abuse can lead to profound personal growth and newfound strength. It’s a process that teaches resilience, self-love, and the importance of healthy relationships. Embracing the future with hope and openness to new experiences is the final step in reclaiming your life.

Resources and Tools

For those seeking further support and information, numerous resources are available:

>> National Domestic Violence Hotline: Offers confidential support and resources for victims of abuse.

>> Psych Central: Provides articles and forums on narcissistic abuse and recovery.

>> Books like Healing from Hidden Abuse by Shannon Thomas offer insights into understanding and overcoming psychological abuse.

>> A River of Secrets (my book).

>> It’s Not You by Ramami Durvasula, PhD.

>> Blind To Betrayal by Jennifer Freyd and Pamela Birrell.

Embarking on this journey toward healing and self-discovery is a testament to your strength and resilience. Remember, you deserve a peaceful and happy life.



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Patricia Clarke  |  Contribution: 105




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