Tuesday 22 February 2022

The Narcissist’s Karma and Your Dharma

 Most people know the expression ‘karma’ as meaning what goes around comes around.

In this community we often find the narcissist does not seem to get their karma for the terrible acts they do to people.

It really appears that they get to go through life like a wrecking ball, ripping people’s lives apart, draining their bank accounts, taking their hearts, Life Force and everything and anything dear to them – with no consequences.

And this may feel traumatizing simply because of the lack of justice that our world seems to be steeped in.

In today’s article I want to deeply explain Karmic Energetic Law to you, so that you do know there is a benevolent system of life that makes sense, that you can align with, and which will deliver you spiritual compensation beyond measure when you know how it works.

This knowledge will move you up and out of the hopelessness of believing that there is no justice for what you went through. Please read the article and share your thoughts and comments with me.


My Explanation Of Karma And Dharma

You may or may not be familiar with the words “karma” and “dharma” … or maybe you are with the word karma, and not so much dharma.

Many of us have different views on these words but let me give you mine from a Quantum perspective. I believe that karma can be good or bad, but let’s for the purpose of this article run with “bad” karma. To me this is the repercussion of a bad energy exchange – that which is perpetrated in darkness. Therefore, for every “evil” act there is a natural and equal repercussion.

(I’m going to explain this more later on in this article …)

To me dharma is the opposite – you may think of it as good karma, but even more than that it is the arising of one’s Light within, love and good wholesome energy, to spread into the world as mission and purpose, as a result of anchoring into, filling with and sharing this Light.

You may think of this as “good things happen to good people”.

Often the narcissist does not seem to get their karma for the terrible acts they do to people, and good loving people who suffered terribly at the hands of narcissists don’t seem to fulfill their dharma.

I know you have found this devastating, as I once did too. My heart goes out to you being traumatized by the lack of justice that our world seems to be steeped in – at both micro and macro levels.

Fortunately, and I am so proud and inspired to say, in our wonderful Thriver Community those who heal from the inside out with NARP, usually flip this script on its head. Often the narcissist does meet their maker, and the wonderful NARPers who do the inner work with Quanta Freedom Healing are often released to start generating their blessed dharma, and become more released, fulfilled, extended and authentic than they were even before the abuse happened to them.

I know you may feel a million miles away from this right now, and that’s so completely understandable after being hit by a narcissistic freight train.

Today I want to deeply explain Karmic Energetic Law to you, so that you do know there is a benevolent system of life that makes sense, that you can align with, and which will deliver you spiritual compensation beyond measure when you know how it works.

That is what today’s article is all about and I hope it can help you so much to move up and out of the hopelessness of believing that there is no justice for what you went through. 

The Narcissist And How They Think About Karma

Narcissists don’t believe in bad karma, they truly believe they are somehow exempt. It’s pretty easy to understand why – they don’t believe in a Higher Power, because they believe that they are the Higher Power.

The inverted power of narcissism – them at the top of the power structure and everyone and else and God / Source / Creation at the bottom, means that they write their own rules. Their lack of conscience wiring unfortunately means that everyone and everything exists to serve their False Self – the ego. They don’t see others as flesh and blood autonomous human beings with Souls and feelings. People are mere tools to violate or exploit for the narcissist’s own purposes.

The narcissist knows other people may not approve of this – hence why they need to cloak their behaviour in charm, manipulation and lies. But please know they truly don’t believe there is anything wrong with the way they conduct themselves. There is zero comprehension of them “doing wrong”. Hence why a genuine apology from a narcissist is near impossible to obtain – or if granted is only to shut you up or hoover and hook you back in again.

It really does appear that the narcissist gets to go through life like a wrecking ball, ripping people’s lives apart, draining their bank accounts, taking their hearts, Life Force and everything and anything dear to them – with no consequences.

Is this true?

It’s partly true.

Yes, a narcissist for some time can sail off into the sunset with the house, the kids, and their new partner, and may buy themselves a sports car and go on an overseas holiday, just to really rub your face in it.

Meanwhile you are sitting in your tiny flat, broke, shattered and barely able to get out from under the bedsheets, let alone hold down a job.

The narcissist often will rinse and repeat. The next relationship doesn’t last either, and the narcissist moves on with the ease of a consummate actor exiting one stage play and entering another … leaving yet another victim emptied out in his or her wake.

To add insult to injury, the narcissist may also play the victim to all and sundry. If you left, their ego suffers a terrible narcissistic injury of “abandonment” and even though they got all the goodies through their narcissistic significance and entitlement, you are still (according to them) to blame for everything.

If a narcissist does have a life-long suffering partner, they still suffer the selfish shenanigans of control, manipulation, emotional invalidation, and mental destruction.

If there is a benevolent God, why don’t these people get their comeuppance? How can they do such terrible things and always get away with it?

We see this happen, everywhere we look (if we have the eyes to see), within many power structures – including the largest imaginable. Heinous acts being committed that have nothing to do with The Light, Source or Humanity – rather an inversion that is not accountable, seemingly untouchable, and corrupt and evil – continually benefitting and feeding off the traumatization of many.


Taking the Narcissist’s Karma For Them

Beautiful people have been taken in by narcissists and abused by them. You, as this community are my tribe, and you are the most incredible, inspiring, Soulful, precious human beings I’ve ever met. These are the people I want to share my life journey with and do.

But … and it’s a big but … let me be clear, the people still stuck in their victimization thrashing around in the pain and blaming the narcissist aren’t inspiring or nice to be with.

I was once one of these people too, deeply entrenched in my victimhood of “what happened to me” rather than “what part of myself can I fully look at and heal, to get out of this pain and make sure this will never be my reality again”. In this toxic energy of trauma, I was incredibly hard to distinguish as different from a narcissist, because I was so toxically poisoned.

I lost virtually every person in my life. In fact, originally, many people believed he was the good person, and I was the abuser because I came off as being so disturbed and disturbing whilst he was acting completely cool and together.

I’m sharing all of this with you for a very good reason. When a narcissist abuses you, you take on inside of you the dark energy of their acts. Because you are a person of Light (a piece of Source in a human flesh suit) you have been impacted badly by energy that is Not Who You Are. You now have an inner identity filled with trauma, and this messes with you badly.

The narcissist on the other hand is a False Self, a Being who has turned away from Source / God / Creation and thrives (literally) from dark energy. Hurting people and receiving the attention of someone’s hurt is as energizing and life-enhancing to a narcissist as blood is to a vampire.

Keep thinking “inversion” … because that is what narcissists are. They are anti-life. Peace, love, joy, beauty, innocence, truth, unity, oneness … all of it terrifies the narcissist, because it exposes the real power of Life Force that they can never access and have. It shows them how horribly defective and non-existent they really are.

Okay back to karma – the narcissist is loving hurting you and you being hurt and does not feel bad internally. Rather he or she feels vindicated – that YOU are the crazy and bad one who deserves to be punished for what you did.

YOU are the one who feels shocked internally, not the narcissist who has grabbed all of your energy and stuff and restarted their life as if you didn’t exist.

Quantum Law works like this, so within, so without. Meaning your inner traumatized beliefs, emotions and obsessive thought loops of victimization, betrayal, adultery, criminal negligence, and the abhorrent acts done to you, is the emotional (energy – in – motion) frequencies that you are vibrating at.

Whether or not you believe that this is fair, the following that I am about to explain to you is just this … the Quantum Law of so within, so without.

This brings to you powerfully more outer events that match inner painful and fearful frequencies. This is why you can’t get your life going. Things are breaking down all around you. Appliances break down, you have a car accident. Your bank account is hacked.

Although this is the time when you “need” support the most, it doesn’t come. People turn against you and accuse you of terrible things. They believe the narcissist’s smear campaigns. The kids turn their back on you. Your lawyer turns out to be narcissistic, the judge rules in the narcissist’s favour and you can’t imagine life getting any worse.

You may put your hands up to God and scream, “I’m a good person, why have you abandoned me?”

All of this happening is not Life / God / Source “hating you”, rather this is Life / God / Source saying “I love you so much, incredible Creator that you are, as a fractal part of me, whatever you are choosing to BE (feel) I will grant you more of that.”

Here is the rub … we have been taught that our “thinking” and “doing” is what dictates our life, but that is NOT true. It is WHO we are BEING that is unfolding our life from our inner universe out into our outer universe, powerfully.

Narcissists at some level play this system of Quantum Law perfectly – they spread their dark anti-life energy out into the world, infecting others with trauma, who by internalizing this trauma have the “bad energy” embedded in their Inner Being. These people are now steeped in “bad karma” living out more of this trauma.

By this happening the narcissist gets to keep “kicking the can” of their karma down the road. Avoiding the repercussions energetically (for a time) as a result.

Does this help explain why bad things happen to good people?

But don’t despair there is more to this story, and it does have a happy ending.


Activating Your Dharma And The Narcissist’s Subsequent Karma

I hope that you can ‘inner-stand’ now WHY the same terrible things have kept happening again and again to you.

You may stamp your feet, be incensed about this, or accept the truth, take your power back and turn it all around.

I promise you with all of my heart, that when I finally embraced taking radical personal responsibility to heal, “if the trauma is in my body, only I can go in to it and love and heal myself back to wholeness” I was able to get free from the wheel of terribly bad karma and start moving into the Grace of aligning with the Truth of Life / Source / Creation.

Grace cancels out Bad Karma.

What does this REALLY mean?

It means that when you turn inwards with the love and devotion of a parent wanting to free a child from their pain and fears, for YOURSELF, then with Quantum tools (NARP facilitates this) you will free yourself of the internal trauma of abusers from your Life and fill the space inside where the trauma was with the Light of Source.

This is a spiritual, energetic process. It’s not a logic-based one. You are in a spiritual psychic war with narcissists. On this planet logic does not work against dark forces.

I’m going to put your biggest mission in Life in simple terms for you – it is to free yourself of the darkness of fear and pain within, and fill up with the Light of Source – which JUST IS truth, wellbeing, oneness, courage, love, sovereignty, inspiration, joy and expansion.

Then you break free from karma … organically and naturally because you changed Who You Are BEING.

Now let’s look at what happens to the narcissist.


The Narcissist’s Inevitable Karma

Narcissists are trying to beat Universal Law by inverting the laws. They try to control, manipulate, take, and steal to get what they want in order to feel fulfilled.

However, there is only ONE True Source – Source / God / Creation which connects everything and everyone, and when aligned with authentically as the True Soul Authority it nourishes and flourishes you beyond measure simply because you exist.

Narcissists deny this authority and will not humbly accept a Higher Power into their Life. As their own self-appointed Higher Power (which is the egoic structure of the False Self, the narcissist’s one true Master) they now have no option other than to seek False Sources for their inner “wholeness”. This means “stuff”. Money, prestige, new houses and cars, attractive enviable partners, sex, alcohol, drugs, porn, notoriety, the most likes and comments on their selfies on Facebook – the list goes on and on.

Everything they do is to feed the ego – to get narcissistic supply – which is like a Black Hole in space gobbling up other celestial bodies continuously, yet never being able to shine its own Light.

This is the narcissist’s terrible karma – never durably feeling whole, fulfilled, peaceful or filled with Love, no matter what they do. Plus, there is the horrible gnawing ever-pressing urgency of having to get “more” to try to have enough narcissistic supply to offset the feeling of falling into and being gobbled up by their own internal black hole of despair, self-hatred and defectiveness.

Here is how narcissists end up in life … old and alone. They lose the energy and the charm to mine narcissistic supply. The older they get the more they must do what they have been frantically avoiding doing their entire life, face their inner demons, and the nastier and more dysfunctional they become. People pull away, and the narcissist will lie on their death bed with nothing “real” to reflect on as a life well lived.

Did they contribute? Did they love genuinely? Did they make a difference by benefiting other’s people lives? Were they loved, respected, and admired by others?


Rather, they endlessly chased energy and exploitation of others to get their own salvation which never came.

Now back to us …


In Conclusion

With all of my heart I want you to understand that your evolution is also the liberation of our entire planet. YOU are here, and in this Community, because at a Soul level you chose to be a Light Worker.

Many of you know this already, many more of you are awakening to this truth every day.

As you move up and out of your trauma and fill with Light, you are changed for the better. You are stronger, more loving, and compassionate. You have graduated past the ways you used to hand your power away with fear and pain to False Sources.

You have come home to trusting your inner guidance. You ask questions now. You demand transparency and proof, rather than blindly believing those whose agenda involves deceiving you. You know how to stand in authenticity. You are no longer derailed by other people’s manipulations and threats.

You are FREE to be yourself.

You have become a pillar of love, power, and truth as examples to your children, peers, and communities, and you shine a Light that is eternal and infinite and helps Light Up all of humanity.

As you do this the darkness is exposed. It can be seen. It no longer can operate in the shadows and hook people through their unhealed shadows.

This is all of our REAL job to do.

This is the living of your True Dharma.

I hope this spoke to your Soul today. I hope you now know you can be liberated from bad karma and claim your True Self and Life.

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