Thursday 25 August 2022

Creating authentic power in challenging times (GZ)





My Dear Spiritual Partner,

In my last message, I continued to share with you what has been significant for me since Linda's soul chose to return home to nonphysical reality, such as feelings of confusion and sadness (frightened parts of my personality) and how Linda’s soul returning to nonphysical reality has changed me in wonderful, immediate, and direct ways (loving parts of my personality).

Since then, I’ve heard from so many of you who sent your love and support to me. 

Thank you.  I have felt your love and support so deeply.

Many of you have also expressed how my sharing about creating authentic power during this time has been supportive to you as you encounter your own challenges and opportunities in your life.

This short video continues to support you in creating authentic power.  I am sharing with a woman who is struggling to feel gratitude after her cancer diagnosis and the sudden departure of her husband’s soul from the Earth school.


Frightened parts of all personalities struggle to be grateful.  Loving parts of personalities are always grateful.  

Can you experiment with replacing a perspective of fear in your life with a perspective of love no matter how painful your emotions become?

I know that you can.


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