Saturday 28 September 2024

Weekly Inspiration (EC)


Simply Accept


Every soul longs for the very best in life. The very best is there waiting for you when you are ready to accept it. But you must be willing to accept it wholeheartedly with real joy and without any feeling of being unworthy or not being ready for it. If that is your attitude, you block that which is your true heritage, and it cannot flow to you. Therefore see that there is nothing in you which is holding it up.

I AM holding out life, life more abundant. I AM holding out beauty, harmony, peace, love. The ways of the Spirit are yours. Walk in those ways, live in perfect harmony with My laws and watch everything fall into place in true perfection. Let there be no stress or strain in you. Simply accept that which is yours with a full and grateful heart, and never forget to express your love and appreciation for all that is being poured down upon you.

~ guidance received by Eileen Caddy

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