Wednesday 27 January 2016


​By Laura Probert

Have you noticed the onslaught of brave souls reaching out to heal the world; the life coaches, 
healers, best-self entrepreneurs flooding the web with their love and light, yearning to make a difference with their lives by helping you with yours? This is the decade of the lightworker, and if you’ve never heard that term before, I’m here to wake you up to the shift taking place…and to the fact that you’re probably one of us.
I started my career as a healer in the field of physical therapy over twenty years ago. I was no more comfortable with the term lightworker than I was uttering “namaste” at the end of my yoga class, or fully embracing the Om with full gusto. I was afraid people would think I was one of those woo-woo weirdos.
I also couldn’t hold the gaze of my friends, family or acquaintances…I hadn’t fully realized the light inside of me and what my mission on this planet was back then. I turned my eyes to the floor in a mixture of shyness and shame, making people think I was distracted, bored, or uninterested in them. I was drowning in unworthiness.
I gave my power away to thoughts and people of my past, and let those moments of humiliation define me…until I woke up one day (over a couple decades) and understood that the purpose for all of it was to show others the way to the light that is the essence and force of love that breathes us all alive.
Lightworkers may have studied consciousness, practiced awareness and are feeling the tug of purpose on their heart because they’re paying attention to the feelings and aren’t willing to not do anything about it anymore. Being resigned to a life that’s content isn’t good enough. Their fire burns so hot it’s forcing them to dance.
This dance is important. It’s the way we’ll save the animals, and the environment, and ourselves. It’s the way we’ll experience more love and joy. It’s the way we’ll get important things done and create a planet we’re happy to leave to our children. The dance matters.
I’m wondering if you’re nodding now and entertaining the idea that maybe you’re a lightworker too. Does spreading authentic love around to help others on their journey light your fire?
Then you’re a lightworker. You don’t have to wonder anymore.
So now that you know…what are you going to do about it? Part of taking on this label means you understand the responsibility you have to shine your light. Time to be brave. Time to speak up. Time to say what you’re here to say. Scary, isn’t it?
But that’s the path…it’s not for sissies. It’s not woo-woo. It’s divine. It’s what you were born for.
And if you’re not sure, then go back to sleep and make your coffee, and check off your to-do lists and see what happens in the middle of your chest when you ignore the call. It’s not pretty.
I’ve had to make a choice about what life hurts less. I know I’m not making a great case for being a brave warrior, but fact is, both paths have a cost. If you were born a lightworker you’ll begin to ache for something more, something deeper, something more authentic and something more soul- nourishing than the regular, old, conditioned, tight routine you’ve been surviving in.
That ache will move you, if you let it. Maybe you’ll be inspired to have different conversations, or find a tribe that understands what benefit oracle cards have. Maybe you’ll have an idea for a new business that helps people write copy for their healing practice, or notice the throat chakra symbol tattooed on the forearm of the gal ringing you up at Starbucks.
In other words, if you’re a lightworker you are waking up to all the magic around you. It’s chasing you down actually. If you don’t pay attention it might try to burn down your house. Don’t be afraid. You’re not a weirdo. You are a divine being of light and love and exactly what this world needs more of. Embrace it. Be brave. Shine your light.
It’s time to step up. If you recognize the desire inside of you, you have a responsibility to your soul. Let the doubt and fears of not being good enough play second fiddle to your mission. Don’t attach yourself to how this should look in order to make a difference. Start with your neighbor, the bus driver, your secretary…and slowly build your tribe.
It’s time for the big leagues, and we’ve all been called. Whether or not you heed that call is up to you. But if you know the truth, you feel it in your bones, you wake up each day wondering how you’ll serve, and the fire of inspiration is what you eat for breakfast – don’t let that go to waste.
We need you on the team.

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