Thursday 28 April 2016

3 Ways to Access Everyday Intuition.

thinking gut feeling wondering face man

Many of us are raised to believe that logic is the best way to make a decision; weighing the pros and cons back and forth.

The truth is “Life is Illogical.”
We plan for A and B happens, we get upset and disappointed, because somehow we believe we have control over how each step goes, especially when we mapped it out so logically.
Intuition is alway in operation 24/7, it nudges us in the direction we should go. It is simple, not complicated (as our logical decisions where we analyze everything to the nth degree).
It’s our internal map, our friendly guide.
Most of us simply don’t trust it, we think it must be more complicated and often, it goes against what our “brain” says the right thing to do is in many situations.

The brain operates from experience and intuition from our truth. We always know the truth, but we let past experiences interfere in our journey, so as to keep us safe.

Our mind is an encyclopedia of past experiences, always drawing upon itself for information and this can keep us repeating patterns or abstaining from risk, because of the fear that the same thing will happen to us.
Intuition knows no time….intuition is not looking at the past as a barometer for what will happen in the future. if it didn’t work in the past, it doesn’t care…there is an opportunity for different circumstances, people and opportunities than there may have been in the past moment.

How do we learn to trust it? To actually become familiar with it?

Besides meditation as a way to know ourselves, what can we do daily to check into intuition?

1. Press pause.

Most people who read my posts, know I recommend pausing for a variety of reasons. Pausing gives us a minute to have our mind, body and spirit get in sync. When I am struggling with a decision or stressed, I pause for a moment and pay attention to what is going on inside of me….it’s an opportunity for the voice in my head to quiet down and the voice in my gut to be heard.

2. Feel the urge and follow it.

Our intuition can be felt physically. Whenever we feel like we fight the urge, we’re fighting our truth. The urge is our intuition directing us to where we should go. When I go against my gut, I almost always regret the decision. It doesn’t work out how I pictured it in my head and even if by chance it does….I don’t feel a sense of fulfillment. Intuition is a flow and we feel in the flow of life when we follow our intuition.

3. Test your intuition.

When we are thinking about lunch, it’s a great opportunity to stop. Just stop thinking and feel what our “gut” wants…and do it. Start testing it out when driving, just because we’ve always taken one road home, perhaps our gut is telling us to take another road. Perhaps there is something new to discover?
It might even bring on a surge of creativity—new thought! When we test our intuition, it is an opportunity to build trust in following its directions.
The more we test drive our intuition, the more we can rely on it for our successes in life, for the opportunities we might have missed had we just relied on our brain and its encyclopaedia of experiences.
Intuition brings true freedom and leads us away from our subconscious programming….try a tip today and see what happens!

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