Thursday 21 April 2016

Opening the Gates (KB)

Thank you all for joining me these past 12 days in exploring the Inner Child Archetypes of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The work we have done together has prepared us to embrace the opportunity we have been granted through the cosmic window of Pesach.

Beginning Friday night, we have the chance for a conscious awakening, to be elevated above the robotic consciousness of the ego that enslaves us most of the time. Our minds are the most powerful tools that exist in this entire universe. The Rav used to say that the Gog u-Magog (The Armageddon War) is the war of the mind--a war between the doubts, selfishness and fears that keep us bound in ourselves and the love, Light and unity that exists between us all.

This can all seem like a momentous task, but we don’t need to do big things to make changes in our lives. All we need to do is to go one level higher on the spiritual ladder…to be just a little bit better…to try to feel a warmth, caring and unity with those around us.

The Zohar says, the Creator has told us, “Open to Me an opening no wider than the eye of a needle, and I will open for you The Supernal Gates.” Hopefully in these powerful days, with all of our efforts combined, we can open those gates for ourselves and for the world.

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