Wednesday 9 September 2020

CoDA Weekly Reading


The Arrow


I love the analogy of an arrow: it has to be pulled backwards and then it lunges and propels forward giving direction.

I didn’t “plan” to make all of these changes. But there was this incredible discovery of: “I need this.”

I need to accept and care for all of me, to live my life armed with the knowledge from CoDA and to apply the knowledge to my life.

As I read the 12 steps of CoDA, I got to the point currently where the 12 Steps are not just words or sentences. Every letter and word comes alive in my life and I feel them, live by them and practice and apply them every day. For me it has taken on a life of its own, a guiding light, guiding me and showing me the way on my own path. And having finally aligned my mind, thoughts, and feelings I’m moving forward, day by day, with improved strength, positive energy, a clear mind and a grateful heart to work the program of recovery. 

Each Step becomes clearer, more inspiring and more encouraging for me to work the next. Like dominoes falling in line, this momentum carries me through to help make other necessary changes that I’m still facing more manageable. One door opening after another. One day at a time, each heartbeat felt by the knowledge of “being in recovery”.

In my Recovery and Awareness I am now able to create a life for myself that is nourishing and beneficial and this benefits the people around me as well. For me CoDA has been an amazing support and tool to practice every day.

Does this choice feed me or deplete me?

It’s clear to me that my Recovery requires ongoing maintenance.

In recovery I’m gaining hope and my focus shifts from the other person to myself. I am beginning to build my own identity, self-esteem, and the ability to assertively express my feelings, wants, and needs.

I’m learning self-responsibility, boundaries, and self-care. My awareness is my superpower and the 12 Steps are working in all areas of my life.

I’m moving forward like the arrow....with speed, accuracy and focus.

I feel so blessed, supported and connected to my higher power. Thank You 🙏


Lukas V,  Grateful Recovering Codependent  - July 6, 2020

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