Tuesday 1 October 2024

How Nostalgia & Cozy Traditions help us navigate Seasonal Change & Find Happiness.


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Finding Comfort and Joy in the Changing Season

Every year, as summer ends, I find myself doing what many others probably do—reminiscing about the hot, sunny days that fill me with energy and joy.

The season is changing; it feels like fall is arriving quickly, like an unexpected guest. I’ve been asking myself: Is it wrong to hold on to a season that makes me feel such great happiness? I’m not quite ready to let go of the bright, cheerful days I will miss. But then, on the other hand, I’m reminded of the unique beauty each season brings.

The Changing Perception of Time

As fall has gotten closer, I’ve always enjoyed reflecting deeply, using this time—especially in autumn—to look inward. But this year feels different. Reminiscing made me realize I don’t feel the same as last year. I’ve gained new insights that surprise me and make me think more deeply about life.

I’ve always found each season fascinating, with its unique beauty. But this year, I’m much more aware of how quickly the seasons come and go, which has sharpened my sense of time passing. As we already know, life doesn’t stop for anyone, and neither does time. If I don’t remind myself to slow down and enjoy the present, I feel like I’m rushing through time and seasons, leaving me tired and disconnected.

Nostalgia and Family Memories

As summer fades, I find myself drawn to the past, peaceful beach walks, and spontaneous visits to family in Austin, Texas. But as I cherish those moments, I realize I’m ready to turn the page and stop worrying about how fast time flies; I cannot control it. So, I will welcome the cooler autumn air, which fills me with happiness for the new experiences the season will bring. I look forward to the familiar comforts of fall, ready to fully embrace the present moment and the joy it brings.

Looking Forward to Cozy Rituals

Typically, during this time of the year, I love thinking about all the cozy traditions that come with the season. Yes, the pumpkin spice latte may be a bit cliché, but I still look forward to it every year. This past weekend, I began decorating for fall, adding small touches around our home to create a warm, inviting space. My favorite addition is a small orange tree that brightens our Zen den. Slowly but surely, I’m preparing for a season filled with orange and yellow colors. I also look forward to celebrating Halloween.

Finding Joy in Fall’s Simple Pleasures

Through reflection, I learned that no season, not even fall, automatically brings happiness—I must create it myself. I’m excited to build new habits and routines that bring me peace this year. I’ve already picked out my fall reading list—two novels, a book on mindfulness, and one on functional medicine. I can’t wait to dive into them, especially during the cooler weather.

It is my way to relax and enjoy the present moment. My fall reading list gives me plenty of opportunities to feel peaceful and comforted and learn new things about myself and the world around me through reading. Additionally, I have also learned that despite how fast things constantly change around us, we can create our own happiness as we embrace each change and go with the flow. This realization empowers me, and I hope it empowers you, as well.

Running With Claudio

One of the most joyful parts of the season is running with Claudio, my beloved Havanese. He loves running and sniffing cool autumn air. There’s something so heartwarming about seeing him so happy, bouncing around with endless energy. His excitement reminds me to enjoy the simple moments and fully appreciate the beauty of this season. Claudio is a beloved member of our family, and his joy is infectious, bringing a smile to my face even on the gloomiest days.

In Conclusion

So, even though I will no longer see the vibrant hot sun and the longer days until next spring, I still look forward to the cooler air and the slower pace that autumn encourages. Simple pleasures, like reading and sipping a warm cappuccino, are like a cozy hug! They remind me to stay grounded in the present and find joy in the little things that bring me happiness and peace. And I hope they do the same for you, dear readers, as we all look forward to the calm and relaxation that autumn brings.

Happy fall!



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Nunzia Stark  |  Contribution: 172,230

author: Nunzia Stark

Image: alex geerts/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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