Wednesday 10 April 2019

Interacting and Connecting (GZ)

Dear Spiritual Partner,

Many people think that interaction is the opposite of isolation, but that is not always so. You can be interacting and isolated at the same time. Individuals who manipulate with humor or intellectual ability, for example, or with their athletic or artistic ability, can be quite isolated in terms of connection, of meaningful relationships with others. Often they use their abilities as ways of attempting to connect with others, yet that is never satisfactory because the heart is not involved.

The remedy for isolation is the heart, in other words, love. Frightened parts of personalities often think they love, but without the energy of heart, for example, as do those that caretake. They appear to offer care to another, but they do so in order to feel better about themselves. Others think obsessively about an individual they think they love. Everyone is searching for the energy of the heart, including those who most resist it.  

Isolation does not necessarily mean physical isolation, or physical withdrawal. An individual who is caught in the energy of mania is as isolated as an individual who is caught in the energy of depression. These are both experiences of frightened parts of the personality because love is not present. Any time you feel inferior or superior, and you are not challenging a frightened part of your personality, and you are isolated because your heart is closed.

Creating authentic power is the only way to open your heart permanently, and you were born to create it.


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