Saturday 20 June 2020

CoDA Weekly Reading


A CoDA friend called me this morning. His voice was strained. He apologized for calling, stumbling over his words, his voice thick. He said " don't understand. In my case, I'm alone..." and his voice broke.

I did my best to comfort him. I said it is normal to be frightened--this is an unprecedented event, we are in uncharted territory. Nothing is the same anymore. Nothing like this has ever happened before. In 1918, influenza spread across the globe. But in 1918, we did not have air travel shuttling people and germs around the Earth. One fifth of the world's population was attacked by the deadly virus. Fifty million people perished.

We talked a few more minutes about the unique situation and how we felt. He said he was going out to buy a puzzle to work on. I told him to call me later today and let me know how he's doing. I hope he does, as it was difficult to hear someone in such lonely pain.

In CoDA we are great with hugs. Touch can heal. Unfortunately, the world today forbids hugs due to safety issues. I suggest we replace hugs with word nms. Spoken words. Written words. Compassionate words. Call someone and ask how they are doing, what are they feeling. Go “Old School” and write a letter to someone to brighten their day. (If you're worried you can't mail it, clip it to your mailbox with a note of thanks to your mail carrier). I read from “In This Moment” daily devotional. On March 29, the second paragraph stood out: "I don't want this fear to dominate my life. I remind myself that I'm powerless over the outcome. For help, I focus on CoDA's Second Promise—’I am no longer controlled by my fears. I overcome my fears and act with courage, integrity, and dignity.’ "

So, I hand over my fears to my Higher Power. The first three steps guide me specifically. These key words: 'powerless', 'returning us to sanity', 'turn our will and our lives over to the care of God' comfort me. In a war with an unknown assailant, there is no stronger ally than God.

Dena F. - 2020

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