Sunday 14 June 2020

Keep Your Eye on the Ball (GZ)

Dear Spiritual Partner,

Once there was only one ball, and it hypnotized us. It seemed to cause our joy and pain and our pleasure and misery. It seemed to cause everything, and everything depended upon it. That ball was the world.

Now another ball has appeared, and it has become the new star of the show. The show is human evolution. This new ball is our interior experiences.  Previously we did not pay attention to them until they became too painful to ignore, for example, our rage, jealousy, or grief. We never thought about them in the context of our evolution. On the contrary, they hindered our ability to evolve – to manipulate and control ball one (the world). Now ball two (our interior experiences) is more important to our evolution than ball one!

A great transformation in human consciousness is underway. We are transforming from five-sensory humans that are limited to the perceptions of the five senses into multisensory humans whose perceptions are hugely more expansive and entirely different. Our evolution now requires each of us to consciously and wisely choose constructive intentions. Five-sensory humans think their actions create consequences. Multisensory humans see that their intentions create consequences. This is a game-changer.

What does that mean in terms of the coronavirus? Suppose, for example, that you are confined to a small space or even a large one, and you are miserable. You feel lonely, listless, or depressed. You have no job, your child is ill, or (and) you are angry at being told what to do. Five-sensory humans think that the world causes these experiences.  Multisensory humans know that dynamics inside themselves cause these experiences when the world activates them. They see what five-sensory humans are not able to see. Until they change these interior dynamics, they will continue to produce painful emotions each time the world activates them. When the quarantine is lifted, your job returns, or your child becomes healthy, your difficult emotions will disappear, but the dynamics inside you that caused them will remain intact, and the world will continue to activate them until you change them.

Your issues are not between the world and you. They are between you and you. Plato, Buddha, and the Christ all fought their own demons and gained power from their decisions. All our great heroes did this. Could the Christ have gained the Glory that He did were He not tempted? Only you can choose a road that leads to health and love (power) or a road that leads to dis-ease and fear (powerlessness). When you focus on ball one (the world), you cannot do this. When you focus on ball two (your internal experiences), you give yourself the ability to choose between the constructive and destructive internal dynamics within you – between the joyful consequences of love and the painful consequences of fear.

Keep your eye on the ball.



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