Sunday 26 September 2021

How not to let your Life become a string of Compromises & Settling.



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The world is full of heartbreak—of unrealized dreams and unrequited love relationships.

It has become popular to empathize and relate with those who have given up on their dreams, on the person they love, and on their unrealized potential.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

I have genuine compassion for that state of being, because, let’s face it—we have all been there. We have all felt the sting of losing someone we love or a missed opportunity to step into a greater version of ourselves. We attach our sense of self to having our needs met outside of us, and when they are not met, we shrink into feeling powerless. We start creating a story about ourselves that we are not enough. That story then becomes our vantage point for seeking something else to replace those dreams.

We convince ourselves that we can’t have what we want and that seeking a replacement will somehow satisfy our needs—yet, it often doesn’t, because deep down we know it is not what we truly desire. Life then becomes a succession of compromises and settling for anything to save ourselves from feeling like a failure.

Should we compromise or should we persist?

Life can feel dull and uninspiring when we compromise on what we want. When we share our big desires with others, we are often met with resistance and well-meaning advice to “be realistic.” This always comes from those who have already given up on their dreams—so anything they share is coming from a place of pain.

Yet, unless you gain clarity on exactly what it is you want and claiming it with confidence, you will always be subject to other people’s opinions, societal rules, and expectations of what is right and wrong. You become a version of you that fits into everyone else’s story instead of the version of you that creates their own story. Which would you rather be?

The only rules to having what you want is: there are no rules

The only difference between someone who manifests the relationship, the job, and the abundance they want and someone who doesn’t is their clarity, persistence, and expectation to receive. Persistence isn’t about controlling, manipulating, or chasing what you want. It is a state of being that is founded on self-confidence and inner happiness; it’s being rooted in despite the current circumstances.

When someone knows exactly what they want and what they love, circumstances and obstacles do not matter. They are living in a state of being that already has exactly what they want—they are living from the perspective of the end result instead of only seeing “reality.” Life feels joyful, fulfilling, and abundant, and the energy that you carry inside of you is reflected back to you on the outside. Always.

Shift your focus from outside of you to inside of you, and the universe will yield to you exactly what you want. Inner happiness, calm, and inner fulfillment is the birthplace of creating any reality you want.

You can have any dream you want as long as you give up the belief that you can’t.


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Jenni Ryan  |  Contribution: 1,630



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