Monday, 18 November 2024



  • ·       “I was able to see that the real enemy of man is not man. The real enemy is our ignorance, discrimination, fear, craving, and violence.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

    ·       “Love is a living thing; hate is a living thing. If you do not nourish your love, it will die.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

    ·       “If you are a journalist, you have the means to educate people, to wake people up to the nature of our situation…then we will know in which direction we should go to make the earth a safe place for us, for our children, and for their children.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

    ·       “When we have hatred and vengeance as our deepest desire, we will suffer terribly…” - Thich Nhat Hanh

    ·       “We need to breathe deeply, to get calm in order to touch the seed of wisdom.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

    ·       "Generosity is the flower of justice." Nathaniel Hawthorne

    ·       “Throughout the vicissitudes of life, remember always to love one another. Do not strive with men, even with unbelievers. Show mercy even to those who despitefully abuse you.” - The Teachings of Jesus

    ·       My work ethic is the single most important factor in all of my accomplishments. - David Goggins

    ·       “Descriptive words of things beautiful cannot thrill like the sight thereof, neither can creedal words inspire men’s souls like the experience of knowing the presence of God.”

    ·       Orphic: Mysterious and enchanting.

    ·       The fool who knows he is a fool is that much wiser. – Buddha

    ·       “Your heartache is someone else’s hope. If you make it through, somebody else is going to make it through. Tell your story.” ~ Kim McManus

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